A Week in the Wild: Day 7 – Stay Positive

Jun. 30, 2016 by

Ask any survival expert what the most important ingredient of any survival situation is and they’ll say Mental Attitude. Survival is more a state of mind than a skill set. Humans are incredible creatures and as long as we stay



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A Week in the Wild: Day 5 – Starting a Fire

Jun. 28, 2016 by

There are many, many ways to start a fire if you don’t have a lighter or matches. Flint and steel, striker, friction methods (hand drill, bow drill, plough), lens-based methods, chemical methods, fire from batteries, and a dozen methods within

A Week in the Wild: Day 4 – Finding South by the Trees

Jun. 26, 2016 by

You’re lost, you don’t have a compass, your phone is dead so no compass app either, you know there is a town somewhere to the north where you can find food, water, shelter and a bus home. But you have